Many people tend to believe that working from home is quite healthier than working in an office. While this may be true, having a remote job has its few disadvantages as well in the aspect of maintaining the condition of an employee’s well-being.
Having a home-based job sometimes requires extensive hours of sitting on a chair, which could pose potential issues especially if there’s no one that can remind the employee to take a break and walk for a while. This eventually leads to a path of inactive and unhealthy lifestyle, which could affect overall productivity at work.
If you’re one of those home-based workers who wanted to keep themselves healthy as they do their job, here are five ways that you can implement on your daily routine.
Stick to a specific habit or rituals
This may sound like an out of the ordinary tip, but developing rituals or habits are efficient ways for you to keep things organized and lessen your stress as a result. You can start by designating a certain time for waking up, working, and taking breaks. It can also be helpful if you will allocate some of your free time for exercising, walking around the house, etc.
Take microbreaks
Microbreaks are very short break that you can do while working. It doesn’t necessarily count as a break time as you will immediately go back from what you’re doing afterward. Taking microbreaks is very important especially for those who look at their computer screens for hours. Extensive staring at the computer screen can strain the eyes and decrease the ability to focus and cause headaches. So every once in a while, stand up, stretch your muscles, or close your eyes for around 20 seconds before going back to your computer.
Take advantage of your environment
One of the best things in having a home-based job is that you are in complete control of several areas such as your working environment. Since you can control everything in your home office, open your windows to invigorate yourself. Set everything up in a way that can prompt you to be more productive and comfortable.
Establish a social support system
Working within the four areas of your home can make you feel alone and isolated. To prevent your job from restricting your social life, you must maintain a constant connection with your friends, families, and even colleagues. Always keep in touch with them by calling or chatting especially when you’re feeling lonely or in need of emotional help.
Prepare healthy foods and drinks
In addition to habits and rituals, you should as well supply yourself with as many healthy foods and beverages as possible. If you still have several junk foods on your fridge, get rid of them. Always bring healthy snacks and have a bottle of water ready as if you’re actually going to a real office.
Working from home isn’t all about sunshine and rainbows. You still have to take care of yourself to ensure that you will fulfill your professional responsibilities and have a healthy work-life balance.