Virtual Assistant Services

How Virtual Assistant Services Helped Businesses One Year After Pandemic (Infographic)

Many people suffered during the coronavirus pandemic as they were laid off by the companies they worked for to cut their expenditures. Some of these laid-off workers looked for other employment as virtual assistants or started their own freelance business. The lockdown limited many people’s actions as they were forced to stay at home. However, it also opened up the opportunity to work remotely.

Veteran virtual assistants who were used to working remotely are in a strong position since their working environment didn’t change. However, people who were used to working in an office setting can have problems adjusting to working from home as a VA. Beginners in the Philippines who managed to adjust or join virtual assistant companies in the Philippines were also able to find good jobs and help different businesses.

COVID-19 nearly brought the world to a standstill, but this doesn’t mean that companies are ceasing their operations. Many businesses still need the best virtual assistant services to help them with their processes, and virtual assistants have delivered. The following are how VAs have helped companies during the pandemic.

best virtual assistant services

Sharing Work Tools

Businesses that managed to hire a virtual assistant from a reputable company benefited from the tools that the VA company uses, like Trello, MS Teams, Dropbox, Skype, and OneDrive. Such tools allow virtual assistants to communicate with their clients and other team members to work remotely.

Without virtual assistants, businesses with no experience working remotely can have trouble adjusting and looking for the right tool to serve their needs. Seasoned VAs have years of experience operating remotely, and they can help others do the same by sharing their tools and teaching others how to use them.

Give Advice on Working Remotely

As mentioned before, virtual assistants have experience working remotely and can help others do the same. Besides sharing tools, VAs can help the company’s staff set up and advise them on managing their time and staying productive by providing practical suggestions.

Virtual assistants can also coordinate the team’s schedules and maintain open communication lines between team members.

Advise the Client with Contingency Plans

Nearly every type of business can benefit from a virtual assistant’s support, so VAs can advise their clients to set up contingencies should something happen. Businesses that focus on selling their products can set up the following contingencies:

  • Move to an online selling platform
  • Set up a Facebook group or an online forum
  • Switch to physical delivery services
  • Host an online event
  • Email their clients on what they’re doing during the pandemic

Contingency plans are set to let a VA’s clients continue their operations even during the pandemic. Some virtual assistants helped their clients set up a Zoom account for their client’s dance lessons. Others set up their clients’ social media accounts and publish blogs and podcasts.

Virtual assistants can look at their clients’ businesses objectively and identify anything that could be used to help them operate remotely. VAs can work with their clients closely to help them streamline their processes.

Help Clients Operate Normally

Many business owners might think of dropping their digital marketing budgets to cut down on their costs, but virtual assistants can advise them otherwise. Stopping any digital marketing efforts will result in losing any foothold a business has from its past marketing activities.

Virtual assistants have been instrumental in keeping many businesses up and running as if nothing happened. VAs can even help future-proof their clients’ businesses by using solutions that allow for remote work and boost their reputation by publishing content that can help others during the pandemic.

If the business suffered multiple backlogs thanks to the pandemic, they can also rely on a VA to handle them and smoothen their operations.


Virtual assistants have always been there to help their clients’ businesses stay strong at an affordable cost. Many businesses that relied on VA companies in the Philippines managed to have their businesses grow and thrive before and during the pandemic without paying too much, thanks to the Philippines’ low labor costs.

A virtual assistant’s purpose never changed during the start of the pandemic, and many people who hired a virtual assistant managed to stay in business despite the uncertainties brought by COVID. Business owners can opt to hire a virtual assistant Philippines from OVA Virtual to receive high-quality support at a low cost.


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